El Portal de Orihuela Costa

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El Portal de Orihuela Costa - The Gate to Orihuela Costa

The Gate to Orihuela Costa - Virtual Tours of Spain
Serradilla (Provincia de Cáceres) - Parque Nacional de Monfragüe
Parque Nacional de Monfragüe
Serradilla (Provincia de Cáceres)
Virtual Tours
Virtual Tours

Parque Nacional de Monfragüe

The National Park of Monfragüe is a clear example of Mediterranean forest and thicket; it is placed in Cáceres province (Extremadura), right in the centre of a triangle formed by Navalmoral de la Mata, Plasencia and Trujillo.

It was declared Natural Park in 1979 and 2007 as National Park because of being a singular unique Spanish biodiversity space. 17.852 hectares reveal one of the most extensive Mediterranean forest nucleus. Holm oaks and cork oaks intermingle with rockroses. Strawberry trees, heathers and mastics intermingle with ashes, willows and hollies. From cracked quartzite junipers emerge.

Parque Nacional de Monfragüe
Parque Nacional de Monfragüe
Rio Tajo
Rio Tajo

Water is one of the key elements, Tagus and Tiétar rivers surround Monfragüe, and their waters carve in the quartzite rocky outcrops where tawny vulture colonies settle, and peregrine falcons, bonelli's eagle or eurasian eagle-owl nest. On the riverside and watercourses live kingfishers, cormorants, or nightingales, as well as animals that live in the water such as the otter. In Monfragüe a wide variety of ornithological species nest. It's the perfect place to practice birdwatching.

Tabernas (Almería)
Tabernas (Almería)
Tabernas (Almería)

Mini Hollywood - Western Theme Park in the Tabernas Desert.

The stunning landscape provided by the arid regions in the province of Almeria has attracted filmmakers working within the 'Wild West' genre to southern Spain for decades. The Tabernas Desert in particular has maintained world interest in the Spanish film industry providing impressive locations for a number of powerful spaghetti westerns throughout the 1960s and 70s.

In more recent years the studios have responded to the growth in the tourist industry throughout Andalusia by adapting the most famous film sets in the area to facilitate public interest and access. The most popular of these themed attractions is located approximately 24 kilometres north of the gorgeous provincial capital city on the N-340, and is known in Spanish as Poblado Del Oeste, or Mini Hollywood.

Tabernas (Alemería)
Tabernas (Almería)
Mini Hollywood in Tabernas
Mini Hollywood in Tabernas

Over one hundred films have been shot at the Mini Hollywood location during it's time as a film set, including the Sergio Leone classics A Fistful of Dollars, The Magnificent Seven and The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

The characteristic, artificial western towns of Mini Hollywood were originally erected in the heart of the Tabernas desert landscape in the spring of 1965. The location is currently maintained in it's original conditions complete with an authentic, working saloon.

Visitors to Mini Hollywood are provided with a variety of thrilling entertainments, which include a simulation of a wild west style bank robbery with spectacular staged gunfights twice daily in the centre of town at noon, and again at 5pm.

Villena (Provincia de Alicante)
Villena (Provincia de Alicante)
Villena (Alicante)

Like Elda and Novelda, Villena rests within the corridor of the Val de Vinalopó. However, there is just something about Villena that makes it stand out. Many consider it the prettiest village in the region.

Castillo de la Atalaya: High above town is Castillo de la Atalaya, a 12th-century Moorish castle. Although it doesn't tower out of the hilltop, the views from here are astounding.

Castillo de la Atalaya
Castillo de la Atalaya


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